Friday 27 July 2012

Nauvoo Temple

Hello everyone! It's nice to be back on the blog, isn't it? Now to announce the Temple of the Coming Week! This week's temple is the Nauvoo temple.
    The original Nauvoo temple was built in the 1840s and it was the first temple to have ordinances performed in it.  After the saints fled the city, the temple was destroyed by an arson fire and what remained of it was blown down by a tornado. 
    In 1939 Gordon B. Hinckley's father made a suggestion to the first presidency to rebuild the Nauvoo temple. It wasn't until many years later, and when Gordon B. HInckley was the president of the church, that the Nauvoo temple began to be rebuilt. The Nauvoo Temple is the only temple funded only by the contributions of the people directly for the cause. The dedication was in 2002, and held on the very day and at the very hour of the anniversary of the martyrdom of Joseph Smith Jr. If you were around then, you may recall that the dedication of this very special temple was broadcast worldwide. The exterior of the Nauvoo temple is the same as the original. 

  LDS Decor has many different images of the Nauvoo temple, feel free to check them out on our website! 

Friday 13 July 2012

Cardston, Alberta Temple

The Cardston Alberta Temple is one of our favourite temples. It is so unique in that it is one of 3 LDS temples without towers, spirals, or an Angel Moroni statue. It was the very first temple in Canada and also the first LDS temple built outside of the United States. The Site dedication was held on June 27th 1913 by Joseph F. Smith. The groundbreaking occurred on November 9th 1913 by Daniel Kent Greene. The temple was dedicated on the 26th of August 1923 by Heber J. Grant. It was rededicated on June 22 through the 24th of 1991 by Gordon B. Hinkley. The exterior is white granite that was brought from a quarry site near Nelson, BC. The temple is 88 562 square ft. It truly is a beautiful temple. Check out our website at to check out our beautifully framed temple picture and more.

Wednesday 11 July 2012


Welcome to our blog! This is where we will do a post on the temple of the week every Friday, as well as fill you in on other projects for our website